20 Social Media Content Ideas for Nonprofits 202414 min read

social media content ideas for nonprofits, social media content idea for nonprofits

Social Media Content Ideas for Nonprofits enables you to communicate your message on a global and local scale.

Nonprofits share a daily average of 1.2 updates on Facebook and 5.3 Tweets. [NPSource]

As they know, it is vital to get the right audience.

If you are running or working with a nonprofit organization and facing difficulties while posting on social sites, then do not worry at all!

Here you will get the best 20 social media content ideas for nonprofits to get the best result.

So let’s get started with-


Why should nonprofits focus on social media?


Firstly, let’s have a quick chat about why you’re marketing your organization anyway.

According to data by HubSpot, the main priorities of social media marketers at nonprofits are to fundraise, generate brand awareness, recruit volunteers, or share news.

Social media is perfect for either of those goals.

Why? Because for each goal to be met, you’ll need another person to get involved.

Over 3.6 billion people worldwide are estimated to be using social media in 2020.

Meaning there’s no shortage of opportunities to find people who can support your cause through platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

To put it simply: Using social media correctly gives you the chance to promote your nonprofit and find people to help with your mission.

And, in an industry that doesn’t always have much to offer in return for someone’s donation or offer to volunteer, the short-form content you’re sharing on social

media means your audience doesn’t have to do too much to get involved.

If your audience is giving a donation and doesn’t get anything back physically, it’s wise to make it as easy as possible for them to get involved.

We all like ease and convenience.


Of course, we like it, and I know you have my point for why you should focus on social media platforms as a nonprofit organization owner.

Now let’s dive into our next topic, which is-

What you’ll need to start promoting your nonprofit organization on social media


Before we dive into the details, let’s ensure we’ve got the basics covered with a social media plan.

Just like any new marketing campaign, you’ll need to know what you’re working towards to promote your cause effectively. That includes:

  • Setting clear goals on what you want to achieve
  • The audience you’re targeting
  • Which social platforms you’ll be using
  • A strategy to put that into place


Not too many things right?

So do not delay and start setting things that you need to create for promoting your organization!

Now let’s get into our most awaited topic-

20 Social Media Content Ideas for Nonprofits 2024


01. Put a Volunteer in the Spotlight


As you are running a nonprofit organization, it means you must have volunteers.

In fact, you are one of them.

All of your volunteers working with you just for the welfare of society right?

Then give them virtual applause.

If any of your volunteers are doing great, spotlight them in front of your audience.

This will make your volunteers happy, no doubt.

Also, audiences will see how nicely you treat your people, so they would love to be a part of your organization too!


02. Remind Followers About Ongoing Programs


This is a really effective content marketing strategy for social media sites.

Let your audiences know about ongoing programs.

Share visuals or short videos with short and straightforward descriptions so that people can know about them properly.

You can also create virtual invitation letters to attract more people.

Share content from your various social media sites.

Do not just leave any chances to remind your followers about the ongoing programs of your nonprofit organization.


03. Include a Visual With Every Post


Did you know that people are three times more likely to engage with Tweets that include photos and videos?

Posts with images on Facebook receive 2.3 times the amount of engagement.

That’s a huge benefit for nonprofits, especially if you’re looking to increase brand awareness and drive more traffic to the user-generated content on your website.

So, apply this concept when creating the content you’ll be posting.

You could accompany external URLs with info-graphics, GIFs, or photos from a recent event.


04. Use Hashtags to Get Found


Do you know when the majority of social media platforms went pay-to-play?

Including hashtags in your content is also an essential part of it.

Using a hashtag to brand your nonprofit’s social media content can increase organic reach because it allows the content to be found in native search.

All major platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, have their search features.

And with millions of visitors each day, why wouldn’t you want to position your charity in front of them?

You can create your hashtag and gain a large following by participating or taking a popular hashtag and making it your own.


05. Give a Shout-Out to Partners and Sponsors


Make sure to thank your partners as well as sponsors for their contributions in addition to your donors!

Request a photo of all of the office staff members to post on your Facebook page.

Along with a quote from them about why they chose to support your organization.

This way, they will feel special for sure.

Also, audiences will know about with whom you are working.

These can also increase audiences’ trust in your nonprofit organization more!


06. Feature inspiring, touching stories


You know whom you are helping.

But why are you helping?  It should be known to your audiences.

Share away those inspiring, touching stories that you are witnessing as people are the ones who can help others.

So help people by telling them about other people who need help.

You can bring the main character in front of your audience if they want or else narrate by someone else.

Videos will go better as in this case.

68% of people will watch a full video if it’s a minute long or less. (Convenience and Convert)

So feature some better qualities inspiring, touching stories from your social sites and get the best result!


07. Run Polls and Ask Questions


Staying in line with the overall appeal of Twitter, polls are extremely easy to participate in with one quick click of the mouse or tap of the mobile screen.

Even it is getting popular on Facebook nowadays.

This is an excellent avenue for quickly gathering feedback around something people can see right in front of them.

And you’ll have many options for making them stand out aesthetically.

If you are confused about anything or want to know your followers’ opinions, create a poll with a question.

Polls are also a great way to survey your audiences.

So try these simple and excellent social media content ideas for nonprofits and get a result that you can not even imagine.


08. Share Facts, Statistics, and Quotes


Your organization is doing fantastic work.

Show them off!

Discuss the statistics that prompted your organization.

This can help you launch the programs you provide and the statistics that demonstrate your success.

So do some proper research and estimate correctly. Lastly, share with your audiences.

This kind of social media content idea for nonprofits can get the highest reach as people like short and simple information.

So go for facts, statistics, and inspirational quotes with attracting visuals and see the result!


09. Share Best Fundraising Advice’s


Do you plan to hold a peer-to-peer fundraising event?

Share your best fundraising ideas for motivating, supporting, and thanking your participants.

18% of donors worldwide have given through Facebook fundraising tools. [NPSource]

So tips can include suggestions on hosting a DIY event such as a bake sale, garage sale, etc.

This will help them reach their personal fundraising goal or take a moment to remind participants to share links to their page on social media.

If you’ve already scheduled coaching emails for your peer-to-peer event.

Do not be afraid to repurpose these tips into shorter content pieces for your social feeds.


10. Encourage Tags


An effective strategy for engaging followers is to encourage them to tag others who may benefit or enjoy a particular post.

If you share an inspiring quote, include the phrase “Tag a friend who needs this today!”

Encourage your online community to tag a friend or friends who mean a lot to them.

Or else they would like to share your message if you share a video about Friendship Day.

Hopefully, these newcomers will be drawn in and become your online social media followers.

But use this method sparingly and only when it makes sense, not with all sorts of posts.


11. Record a Video Tour of Your Charity Works


As a nonprofit organization, what you mainly do is charity work right?

Even you get donors and sponsors for this reason.

So why not give them a chance to know where they are investing?

Record a video tour of your charity works and post it from your social media sites.

Even you can ask your followers to join you there.

This way, people will quickly find out how authentic you are, and they would love to be part of your organization.

So do not hesitate at all and share video tours of your works without further delay!

12. Post FAQs about your Organizations’ Services

Every week, highlight a different service that your organization provides.

Inform donors that this is how you make an impact, and inform the public about the available services.

Always use a visually appealing photo to catch a reader’s attention.

It will be best for everyone to create a FAQ section to describe your organization’s services concisely and straightforwardly.

Do not miss any chance to make it easy for your audiences to interact with you.

So try these easy-going social media content ideas for nonprofits and see the magic!


13. Post Testimonials


Posting testimonials, which include quotes from clients, board members, donors, and volunteers.

The organization’s positive impact on their lives and the community is another compelling social media content idea for nonprofits.

When gathering testimonials, the social media manager may want to include images and video content relevant or easily accessible.

These media-rich social media posts receive more attention than text or link-only posts on most social media platforms.

Mission testimonials provide social proof for the organization and assist in connecting the organization.

With potential supporters and clients who are in the network of existing support.

14. Use the CTA button to Make to Donate


If you want people to donate to you after finding you on social media, they will most likely need to click through to your website.

This is where the “Donation” call to action comes into play.

Nonprofits on Facebook can set their page’s call-to-action to “Donate.”

When someone visits your profile with the intent to donate, there is a straightforward way for them to do so.

Add a button to your charity’s Facebook page from which people can select the “Donate” option.

And they will populate the information on your donation page.

So do not forget to apply this sort of social media content ideas for nonprofits to get the best result!


15. Promote an Upcoming Event


People are the heart of any event.

So invite your social media followers for your upcoming events to be the heart of it!

By promoting events, donors also get interested in working with you.

Your organization also can reach huge people on social sites through your promotion.

Do not think of accommodation or anything like that.

People who can really help you will indeed join you, so just go for it!

16. Post Pictures of your Events or Fundraiser


Have you recently held a fundraiser or event?

Do not keep the photos for too long!

Make sure they are posted on your blog posts, website, or Facebook feed to show your appreciation and the money raised within a few days.

Participants frequently check their social feeds the following day for photos from the event.

You can also mention that you are still accepting donations.

Using these types of social media content ideas for nonprofits can easily prove your authenticity to your potential audiences.

So just go for it!

17.  Change and Rotate your Profile Photos and Banners.


Your profile photos and banners are some of your most valuable and frequently viewed social real estate.

Utilize these visual mediums to demonstrate the impact of your work and the stories of those who benefit from your services.

Change your cover photo on Facebook at least once a month, and don’t forget to write a great caption.

Use your Twitter profile picture and banner photo to highlight your excellent work.

Do not just stretch out and pixelate a horizontal version of your logo on social media; no one wants to connect with just a logo.

Personalize, humanize, and customize every channel you can with a powerful visual image and make sure that you use the correct spelling.

Never forget to use suitable social media image sizes for each platform.


18. Make Fundraising Campaign Postings


As a nonprofit organization, you can share fundraising campaign-related content on social media.

To keep your supporters informed and engaged in mission-related activities.

The initial campaign announcement, fundraising campaigns progress updates, campaign results, and donor thank-you and spotlights.

These are all examples of potential fundraising campaign content for social media posting.

Integrating multiple types of media (video, image, GIFs, etc.) may help increase engagement.

By providing a more immersive, interactive social media experience to the user.

19. Be Responsive to Your Followers


83% of your Facebook fans and seventy-one71% percent of your Twitter followers expect a response the same day they ask a question.

Use Businesses on Messenger to interact with your Facebook Page fans directly.

Page administrators can now respond to public comments with a private message.

Everyone can judge your level of responsiveness by a badge on your page.

By being exceptionally responsive, you can provide your followers with a fantastic user experience on social media.

Recognize people who retweet, favorite, or mention your organization on Twitter in public.

When your online community feels heard and acknowledged, they are more likely to become your most devoted social media ambassadors.


20. Share your organization’s history.


Sharing the organization’s history on social media can help pique interest while also communicating more information about the nonprofit.

The majority of nonprofit organizations have an inspiring story about how they came to be.

Nonprofits can use various media, post types, and social media app features to tell their story and share how they’ve grown over time, all while demonstrating their impact.

Understanding an organization’s roots can help supporters recognize its impact and build trust in its long-term viability.

So do not forget to share your organization’s history with your audiences.

Even if you want, you can share about other successful organizations’ history to inspire all!

social media content ideas for nonprofits, social media content idea for nonprofits, nonprofit content ideas


Wrapping Up – Social Media Content Ideas for Nonprofits


Revise those ideas to create the perfect social media content for photography marketing using these basic yet powerful suggestions,

These social media content ideas for photographers, not just your present customers,

but other folks who could be seeking a new photographer will earn your confidence very quickly.

You can inspire your readers to continue to return to your website and consequently obtain more traffic

by creating these kinds of valuable content.

Remember that photography agency owners’ main marketing tactic is authenticity and creativity.

If you can spread your skills and show your authenticity, you can win the market easily.

Another thing, creativity lies in you.

So you do not need to follow only those ideas for your photography industry.

Instead, you can create your own social media content ideas.


Now, I’d like to hear the best social media marketing nonprofit content ideas that you have used or used for your business.

Do you have any other ideas about; how to promote a hotel on social media? Share your thoughts with us!

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Maxilin Catherine Gomes

Maxilin Catherine Gomes is an undergraduate business student who enjoys experimenting with the world of marketing via her proficiency in SEO. She doesn't have to put in any additional work to conduct relevant topic research, analyze traffic and search rankings, or discover the most popular visited websites for her articles since she enjoys doing so. She has spent the past decade devouring thrillers, romances, and detective books. For her, the best thing to do is to learn something new. She believes that everything in the world works together to help you reach your goals.