What Are The Best Social Media Platforms For Business?20 min read

Best social media platforms for Businesses, social media platforms for business, best social media for business, business social media sites

Do you know what the best social media platforms for business are?

In case if you do not know, let’s start with something you need to know.

Best social media platforms for business can assist you in reaching out to potential customers on a variety of levels.

The best social media platforms for business can help your venture to get the best outcome.

There are more than 3.5 billion active social media users today. (Review 42)

A pretty significant number, right?

So you can get the fittest result from the most effective social media platform today that is proper for your business.

According to the recent research by Statista,

best social media platforms for business, Best social media platforms for Businesses, social media platforms for business, best social media for business, business social media sites


Here you can see almost half of the world’s population is now active on social media platforms.

So you do not need to hesitate to rely on social media platforms for business any doubt.

Just remember that you are not regretting doing this and why so?

Let’s dive into the next topic to get the answer-


Why should you Use Social Media for Business?


There are many reasons why one should use social media for business.

Here are a few of the top 5 advantages-

  1. Social Media for Businesses can Build Brand Awareness
  2. One Best Social Media for Business can Connect with Potential Customers
  3. Business Social Media Sites can Easily Boost your SEO
  4. Best Social Media Platforms For Business can Grow Your Mailing List
  5. Social Media Platforms for Business Generally Drive More Revenue


See! this is not a thing to ignore for any business that wants to grow in this modern era.

If you want to cope with the current world, do not forget to be online, then it is a must nowadays.


Now let’s see another crucial thing to know for your business which is-

How to choose the best social media platform for your business-


It is challenging to find time to be active on every social media platform available when you’re running a business.

Here are some effective strategies for increasing brand awareness and selecting the best platform for your business-


1. Identify your Audience


Do you want to be as specific as possible to help you make a decision?

The first step is to determine who your target audience is.

Make a note of the answers to the following questions:

  • Who is your typical client?
  • What are their ages?
  • Is one of them a man or a woman?
  • What is their income and level of education?
  • What else do they care about besides your product and service?

Use the answers to these questions and any other pertinent questions about your business or industry.

To help you create a profile of your target audience.


2. Select Platforms Where Your Audience is Located


To complete this level, you must find the answers to the following questions:

  • What social media platforms do your target audiences use?
  • What is the purpose of their use of those social media platforms?
  • How do they prefer to be informed about your products and services?

If you haven’t already done so, we recommend creating a customer avatar first.

A customer avatar is simply a sketch of your target market’s demographics.

Goals, preferences, challenges, and other psychographics are also taken into account.

The better you understand your customer, the more effectively you can choose the best social media platforms.


3. Define your Goals


Once you’ve identified your target audience, you’ll need to set goals for them.

Your primary goal as a business owner will most likely be to increase sales by attracting customers.

However, there are other creative objectives for social media.

While some brands use social media to increase brand awareness.

Also, build friendly relationships with potential customers.

Others use social media to provide customer service.

So before developing your social media objectives, do two things-

Make a list of both standard and unusual ways social media could benefit your brand.


4. Choose Platforms That are Specific to Your Content-Type


Now that you have identified your target audience and goals.

You can choose the platform best suited to your content.

Which can be visual content or video content or whatever that a million users from the social sites would love to share.

There are primarily two types of content available: macro content and micro content.

Micro-content is short-form content, whereas macro-content is long-form content.

Video, audio, and written content are the three types of macro content.

As a result, if you have long-form blog content, the best social media platforms to publish it on are:

– YouTube for video content,

– Apple Podcasts for audio content,

– WordPress for long-form blog content

On the other hand, there are numerous micro-content social media channels, such as Instagram and Facebook.

So keep this in mind as your choose which social media platforms you want to specialize in.


5. Find your Potential Audience


You have already completed the most challenging part, which is choosing the suitable platform for your business.

It is time to find your audience now.

To do this, you’re going to determine which platform your audience uses.

By looking at the demographics of the users on each platform.

You will also want to consider how active your audience is on that platform.

For example, while young Facebook users may have profiles, they are more active on Instagram or TikTok.

Besides demographics and engagement, you will also want to look at how individuals use the platform.


6. Limit the Number of Social Media Platforms You Choose to be On


Each social media platform is like an art.

You should master the art of 1-2 social media platforms before considering adding more to your strategy.

It is not necessary to be on every platform in the world.

If you can do just one of the platforms very well, you can have astronomical business results.

It takes a lot of work and money to develop a successful presence on social media platforms.

It is not as simple as setting up a profile and pressing “publish” on a post.

In addition, you will need to review the analytics to determine if your content is effective or not.

As a small business with a limited budget, all you need is to put your eggs in 1 or 2 baskets max to start.

Then consider expanding into other channels.

best social media platforms for business, Best social media platforms for Businesses, social media platforms for business, best social media for business, business social media sites

Now let’s dive into our most awaited topic, which is-

What are the Best Social Media Platforms for Business-


1. Best Social Media Platforms for Business- Facebook


With over 2.89 billion monthly active users, anyone serious about marketing a business on social media.

You just need to pay special attention to how they can use Facebook to grow their business.

If you can adequately use Facebook to market your business, you will undoubtedly get the highest potential customers.

Let’s see some interesting statistics on Facebook, the best social media for business-

  • Over 200 million businesses use Facebook’s apps and free tools. (Facebook)
  • 93% of companies are active on Facebook. (Buffer)
  • 48.5% of B2B decision-makers use Facebook for research. (Hootsuite)
  • Facebook clicks on searches for local companies increased 23% from February to May 2020. (Facebook)
  • ⅔ of Facebook users visit a local business Page at least once a week. (Facebook)

So with all these pieces of information, you can easily guess how many best social media platforms for business Facebook are, right?

Facebook is one of the best social media platforms for businesses for its low-cost marketing strategy.

Marketing activities that would cost thousands of dollars can be used on Facebook for a fraction of the cost.

This makes it ideal for small to medium businesses with a limited marketing budget.

Larger businesses can also trial marketing concepts and themes through Facebook.

But before committing to bigger campaigns.

It is a place where you can publicize your business name, address, and contact details, and briefly describe your products.

You can also talk about your staff, history, or any other aspect of your business that is likely to attract others.

As well to allow you to post text, Facebook lets you upload visual content and videos from your business for million users.

This can be a powerful way to communicate with customers and potential customers.

Also allows million users to see your product or service without having to visit your premises.

Facebook also allows users to ‘tag’ photos to indicate if a Facebook friend appears in them.

This function of Facebook business social media sites can be used to promote your venture really successfully.

Each tagged image shows up as an update on the participant’s Facebook account, where their friends see it too.

This increases the level of interest in the picture and your business.

You can use Facebook Instagram to ‘talk’ to existing and potential customers by posting and receiving messages.

Customers can post after-sales questions on your Facebook wall, and your staff can answer them there.

This is often more efficient than staff answering phone calls and allows other customers to read common questions.

Also answers without having to approach you individually.

To get a huge level of traffic you can include a link to your website on your Facebook page.

Indeed, many businesses report that the greatest benefit of Facebook is the extra traffic that it steers to their site.

Visitors who come to the website can be exposed to stronger marketing messages.

Even the option of buying goods and services can be added to save their time.

So do not forget to use these sorts of best social media platforms for businesses to get the best result.


2. Best Social Media Platforms for Business- Youtube


YouTube is visited by nearly a quarter of the world’s population, with over 2 billion monthly active users.

This implies that YouTube has a fairly diverse user base and your company can easily connect with your target audiences.

Now let’s see some facts about YouTube, which is the second-best social media platform for business-

  • 71% of B2B marketers use video as a part of their marketing mix and 53% use YouTube as their preferred platform (Sprout Social)
  • 50% of marketers invest in creating online video content for YouTube (PPC Hero, 2019)
  • 90% of people across the globe said that they discover new brands and products on YouTube (Think with Google)
  • Globally, 40% of shoppers said that they purchased products that they had discovered on YouTube (Think with Google, 2018)
  • 2 out of 3 buyers have said that they watch YouTube videos to get ideas and inspiration before making purchasing decisions (Think with Google)

Pretty much interesting, right?

So you really should take this advantage of one of the best social media platforms for business.

After writing high-quality articles on your site, you can create their videos on YouTube.

In fact, marketing on YouTube will help you to get found on Google easily.

YouTube can build back-links to your site, which means you will get found on Google more often by people searching.

By utilizing YouTube as part of your marketing strategy for your business.

You’re also increasing the authority of your website.

The more authoritative your website is in Google’s eyes, the higher all your pages will rank in the search results.

You also can repurpose blog posts content you have already created without investing in expensive equipment but in YouTube.

This way your content never going to die.

Videos with a personal touch also help to increase conversions.

People buy from those they trust, and that trust is built by you relating to them on an emotional level.

So do not ever hesitate to use YouTube as it is really the best social media for businesses.


3. Best Social Media Platforms for Business- Whatsapp


Whatsapp is amazing messaging apps that allow instant communication via internet connection.

Users also can share pictures, short videos, and other attachments very comfortably.

Let’s see some interesting facts about one of the best social media platforms for business-

  • Within a year of its launch, 5 million businesses had started using WhatsApp Business App. (Whatsapp Blog)
  • Today, there are 50 million businesses active daily on the WhatsApp Business App. (Techcrunch)
  • There are over 8 million business catalogs on WhatsApp. (99 Firms)
  • WhatsApp Business was downloaded 18 million times in January 2021. (Backlinko)
  • 31% of the participants said they would like to be able to communicate with businesses over WhatsApp.(Userlike)


WhatsApp Business provides easy ways to market and sell your products or services,

through features like the WhatsApp Business Catalog and WhatsApp Cart.

This really helps to showcase your products in front of your potential customers.

It also delivers analytics on the number of messages sent and delivered from certain phone numbers.

Other metrics include the number of messages that selected phone numbers received from recipients as well.

You will also be able to stay on top of the total estimated amount spent on messages with these types of best social media platforms for business.

WhatsApp IS another best social media for business that provides an effective channel.

In order to make connections with your target audience and engage with customers.

So just start by researching and understanding how to use this one of the best platforms for businesses.

After that assess if it makes sense for your business and see the best result!


4. Best Social Media Platforms for Business- Instagram


Instagram has proven to be a powerful marketing tool and the best social media platform for business.

Right now it is looking to expand business owners’ presence and the visibility of their products.

Let’s start with some amazing facts about Instagram from Business Instagram, one of the effective social media platforms for business-

  • 200 million Instagram users visit at least one business profile daily. 
  • 130 million Instagram users tap on shopping posts every month. 
  • 81% of people use Instagram to help research products and services. 
  • 58% of people say they have become more interested in a brand or product after seeing it on Instagram Stories. 
  • 50% of Instagram users are more interested in a brand after seeing an ad for it on Instagram. 

Instagram is really getting popular now, especially in the case of small businesses.

Even with all of those users to choose from, Instagram is the best social media platform for businesses.

That not only goes for large, well-known companies but for smaller mom-and-pop shops and entrepreneurs as well.

Businesses can raise brand awareness and reach their target audience easily with this platform.

By keeping an active presence and maintaining a routine try to give at least one post per day.

Facebook Instagram live posts are also an excellent way to build rapport, trust, and credibility with followers.

This also helps to show that there is a human side to your business which is a wonderful system.

If consumers see you as more than an entity looking to take their money, then they may be more trusting of your brand.

You can also get more likes by taking high-quality photos, using local hashtags, and partnering with other brands.

The more likes and comments you get, the more visible your company becomes.

And in the case of Instagram hashtags help a lot to get the target audiences so do not forget to use proper hashtags.

On Instagram, you can go wild coming up with new ways to draw attention.

And add followers and new customers with your creativity.

Show the public that your brand has personality with this best platform for businesses.

And that it is cool to shop with you by mixing it up with contests, shutouts, vivid images, interactive videos, and more.


5. Best Social Media Platforms for Business- Tiktok


With over 2 billion downloads and over 1 billion monthly active users,

TikTok has marked itself as one of the biggest social media platforms in the world in just a couple of years.

TikTok ranks as the second-biggest app in consumer spending.

And they just made it possible with their unique marketing strategies for various countries.

Now dive into some facts related to these unique social media platforms for business-

  • 63% of TikTok ads with the highest CTR put their message upfront. (Tiktok.com)
  • Almost 50% of the best-performing ads on TikTok strike an emotional chord. (Tiktok.com)
  • The average user consumes 46 minutes of TikTok videos per day. (Startupbonsai)
  • Total global time spent on TikTok grew by 210% year over year in 2019. (Startupbonsai)
  • TikTok generates the highest engagement rates of any app. (Startupbonsai)

TikTok is basically an opportunity to show a more creative and humorous side of your brand.

As music is a big part of TikTok so you can use it strategically to make videos more interesting and engaging as well.

Nowadays TikTok shines is in generating brand awareness and engagement.

Users that can combine entertaining or informative content in a 15- or 60-second video clip have the potential to see almost immediate results.

You can upload a quick video of your product’s click-to-call widget to get the best results.

And the video literally cost nothing to produce except creativity.

You just need to grab a phone and take a video of the call widget on a screen.

In fact, all the cutting and editing is built into TikTok so it didn’t require any special equipment or editing software.

If you are willing to be humorous and entertaining or to make fun of yourselves.

Yes, you have the potential to gain quick traction by sharing content on TikTok.

At the moment, Tiktok appears to be some brands’ best-kept marketing secret.

So do not hesitate to use this one of the best growing business social media sites for your business.


6. Best Social Media Platforms for Business- Pinterest


Pinterest is used for “scrapbooking” or, in other words, saving content by “pinning” photos or videos to a virtual bulletin board.

Since Pinterest is a visual-based platform, all you just need is a strong graphics sense to engage users in this social media network.

Successful business use of Pinterest has been linked to strong retail sales.

Now let’s get into some interesting facts about one of the wonderful social media platforms for business-

  • The number of users shopping on Pinterest grew 50% in the first half of 2020. (SproutSocial)
  • More than 25% of time spent on Pinterest is spent shopping. (SproutSocial)
  • 85% of users have bought something based on Pins they see from brands. (HootSuite)
  • 98% of users have tried something they’ve seen on Pinterest. (Pinterest Business)
  • 2 out of 3 users say they go to Pinterest to find new ideas, products, or services they can trust. (Pinterest Business)


Pinterest has many built-in mobile-friendly features.

That allows your audience to purchase from you without having to leave a social media app.

Features like Pinterest Product Pins allow you to connect your product catalog directly to your profile on each app.

Even if your followers do not like to make purchases on social media platforms or have longer buyer journeys.

This pin feature can allow you to tag products, add additional product info and drive traffic to your website.

This is basically the platform to be on for brands looking to spot emerging trends and target niche audiences.

Most importantly Pinterest is consumers’ go-to platform for inspiration and discovering new brands to shop with.

To help your audiences with Pinterest you can create interactive quiz segments.

Which will give shoppers a custom board with product recommendations and inspiration.

So be there to reach a huge level of potential customers with this one of the best platforms for businesses.

And take your business another level up


7. Best Social Media Platforms for Business- Reddit


Reddit is one of the largest and most underutilized social media marketing platforms.

It is currently ahead of both Twitter and LinkedIn.

So do not ignore it okay?

Now let’s see some amazing facts about this amazing social media platform for business-

  • 11 million Reddit posts are submitted every month (DMR, 2021).
  • Reddit has over 50 billion monthly views per month (Reddit, 2020).
  • Reddit has almost 21 billion page views per month. (DMR)
  • 35% of Redditors earn at least $75,000/year. (Pew Research Center)
  • Since Reddit Video launched, ads have seen 2.3 times higher conversion rates and 3.5% higher engagement. (Siteefy)

Reddit is a great social media platform for business if you primarily use it for personal purposes.

It is because users can go through your posting history.

So they will likely investigate whether you are genuinely contributing to a community.

Or you are just there to attract visitors to the website.

Reddit’s community structure means that it will occupy a very different place in your broader strategy.

And with a different kind of brand engagement.

You can post ask me questions here to know your audience’s opinion more.

Which will help to lead your business in the right direction.

In fact here you can post blogs, pictures and videos even gif’s as well.

A wide range of audiences is available here so it will help you to improve in your niche.

Even with your like-minded people, you can make various subgroups for their relevant help and all.

Once your post gets famous to your target audiences you can easily get the best result.

So do not forget to be a part of this amazing and best network to grow your business faster.


8. Best Social Media Platforms for Business- Quora


Quora is a billion-dollar social media startup that was funded by $226 million in venture capital.

This is a rapidly growing crowdsourced platform and one of the best platforms for businesses.

As it provides questions, responses, and up and down votes to create, edit, and organize the growing platform.

People ask here what they want and get responses from its users within search engines.

Which helps them to make valuable decisions.

Let’s see some interesting facts on Quora, which is one of the amazing business social media sites-

  • 60% B2B companies are leveraging Quora Ads. (Oktopast)
  • Businesses using Quora Ads have seen up to 4x more conversions. (Quora)
  • 27% of Marketers plan to invest more in Quora Ads for 2020. (HanapinMarketing)
  • Adults spend 2x as much time on Quora than on LinkedIn. (SlideShare)

Quite impressing, right?

Quora mainly helps businesses to stay up to date on new trends in their niche, as various professionals are available there.

It cooperates to discover relevant issues.

To know your audiences ask your questions, and learn from your target audience and competitors.

Even you can educate the target audience about your product with these wonderful social media platforms for business.

If someone is asking directly about your tool or service, do not ever lose the opportunity.

Provide full support to potential clients and share relevant links when necessary.

Also as Quora is used by millions of people so consistently sharing your solution in relevant topics will help you.

Especially to stay top of mind with potential leads.

In fact for engaging more people to visit your website by storytelling.

Which intertwined into your expertise to create excitement and trust me this helps.

With Quora, you can analyze what people are searching for in the topics relevant to your niche.

Also, they can use these ideas for creating your content.

So do not forget to use one of the best social media platforms for business, Quora to take your business to another level.

best social media platforms for business, Best social media platforms for Businesses, social media platforms for business, best social media for business, business social media sites

Wrapping Up – What Are The Best Social Media Platforms For Business?


In this modern era, you can not ignore social media if you are a business owner,

And as a business owner, you only have a limited amount of time as well as investment to put behind it.

So, get the knowledge, build a strategic plan and work out for it.

You can take help from our above discussion about what are the best social media platforms for businesses.

You can select the preferable one that you think really suits your business.

Just remember that business owners’ main marketing tactic is creativity.

If you can spread your creativity with authenticity and uniqueness, you can win the market easily.

In fact, you just do not need to follow only those social media sites for business.

Do whatever you think is right!


.Now, I would like to hear the best social media platforms for businesses that you have used or using for your business.

Share your thoughts with us!

Know more about our services!

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Maxilin Catherine Gomes

Maxilin Catherine Gomes is an undergraduate business student who enjoys experimenting with the world of marketing via her proficiency in SEO. She doesn't have to put in any additional work to conduct relevant topic research, analyze traffic and search rankings, or discover the most popular visited websites for her articles since she enjoys doing so. She has spent the past decade devouring thrillers, romances, and detective books. For her, the best thing to do is to learn something new. She believes that everything in the world works together to help you reach your goals.